In A Snap

For graduates, this time of year seems like the pictures never end. Unless it’s on Snapchat, and you’ve only got ten seconds to take in that moment.
The popularity and use of Snapchat continues to grow with the app claiming 150 Snapchat million users every day.
To celebrate with the class of 2016, ADwërks and Mud Mile partnered to help Augustana University graduates, students, family and friends capture the cap and gown moments on Snapchat.
For graduation and several accompanying senior celebrations, we created a Snapchat filter. Augie promoted #augiegrad through its social media channels and the filter also reinforced the hashtag and branding.

Using geofencing, we targeted the Snapchat filter to be active on campus and at events including commencement.
Snapchat users viewed the filter 24,492 times and used it 440. That comes down to just a few pennies per view for AU.
Augustana started using Snapchat to help with branding and interact with its students and alumni during the NCAA Division II basketball championships with a filter fans attending the game could use.
And in a snap, Augie helped capture memories and build its brand.